Jangan suka terkinja kinja...Apa lagi dijual dijaja...Jangan dikeji usah dipuja...Sikit cakap banyakkan kerja...

Berburu ke padang datar...Dapat rusa belang kaki...Berguru kepalang ajar...Ibarat bunga kembang tak jadi

Kalau Tuan pergi ke Tanjung...Carikan saya ketam ragi...Hidup kita jangan sombong...Suatu hari di telan bumi

Monday, January 5, 2009

Pukulan, Lapis Pukulan dan Jatuhan 1

With this 1st posting this year and on behalf of all Gayang Lima practitioners, I wish everybody a blessed Maal Hijrah 1430 and A Happy New Year 2009. There is only one purpose for us to live in this world and that is to surrender to God AlMighty. To do that, we must know who we are, learn from those who know and seek for the truth with wisdom. May Allah guide us all. Ameen !

HR steps to punch NZ

NZ steps to the outer side of HR's right leg, his right hand diverts the punch with 'buang pukul luar' (not shown) instantaneously aiming towards HR's jaw while his left hand immediately do a 'tekan pukul luar' as a double blocking .

HR uses his 'perisai' to block NZ's right hand while rolling his right hand up to punch NZ.

Again NZ diverts the punch with a 'tekan pukul' and immediately throws his right hand towards HR's face

HR's does a double blocking technique which can go two ways either 'buang pukul luar' or 'buang pukul dalam'

While pulling his right leg back and putting his left leg forward, HR opts for 'buang pukul luar' and throws a left punh towards NZ's face

As swiftly, NZ just tops his left hand over HR's left hand and forwards a chlothline arm chop to HR's throat. NZ's right hand is pulled back to block further movements of HR's left hand.

With the momentum of HR's bodyweight and and NZ's counter chlothline attack, the fall is heavy...

The above sequence of techniques were arranged by HR and NZ.

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